Morning Prayer
On Thursdays during term time there is a short prayer time for the College from 10am to 10.20am.
Compline (Evening Prayer)
Compline is a short reflective service by candlelight marking the end of the day led by the chaplain and members of the choir. It takes place on Tuesdays at 9pm (after Hall) normally in weeks 2 and 6.
During term time, Evensong is on Sundays from 6pm to 7pm and on Thursdays from 6.15pm to 7pm. There is no sermon on Thursdays.
The Sunday evening service is normally live-streamed. If you prefer not to be on camera, please speak to the Chapel Clerks who can direct you to seats in the side aisles which are not on camera.
Informal Holy Communion
Informal Holy Communion takes place on the first Sunday of term at 9.30am. The service provides an opportunity for students to meet other Christians in college. It is followed by breakfast at a local café.
Roman Catholic Mass
A Roman Catholic Mass is usually held on Friday of week 4 at 6pm.
With the exception of the Roman Catholic Mass, all services in Chapel are according to the rites of the Church of England. The main formal services take the form of Choral Evensong (Book of Common Prayer). The services are led by the Chaplain and the Choir and include sung liturgy, Bible readings, prayer, a choir anthem or motet, a hymn and, on Sundays, there is a sermon. Preachers are drawn from different Christian traditions.
The Chapel is large and there is room for anyone who prefers to sit in a socially-distanced seat to do so. Face coverings remain optional.
After Sunday Evensong there are drinks at the back of the Chapel and you are encouraged to stay and chat.
If you would like to help in Chapel do come and have a chat with the Chaplain. We need people to read and have Chapel Clerks who assist with putting out the service books and welcoming people. Chapel Clerks commit to helping on a rota and get paid for their services.