The College Chapel is a place of worship, prayer and reflection. It is also used for various purposes by the College community such as musical concerts, meetings and lectures, plays and other artistic events, social events and dinners.

The College Chapel is the Parish Church of St Peter Le Bailey where our College founder, Bishop Francis Chavasse, served as Rector 1878-1889. Since the 1960s, the Church has been used as the College Chapel not only for services but also for musical, cultural and social events.

Anyone is welcome to attend irrespective of whether they consider themselves Christian. Visitors are very welcome -- in fact, we generally have quite a few tourists at our Choral Evensong!

Join us during term time for informal Holy Communion, Choral Evensong services sung by the College Choir, or participate in one of our many other regular activities.

Chapel news

Check out the latest news and events for the St Peter's College Chapel.

A large stained glass window depicting a man (St Peter) in a robe, holding keys and a chapel, surrounded by other smaller figures

Sunday Choral Evensong at St Peter's College

13 October 2024, 6-7pm

View event
A choir director standing in front of a choir

Thursday Choral Evensong at St Peter's College

17 October 2024, 6:15pm-7pm

View event

Welcome from the Chaplain

Revd Dr Elizabeth Pitkethly is the College’s part-time Chaplain and a member of the College’s Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Team

Elizabeth Pitkethly

'As Chaplain, I am available to anyone in the College community irrespective of faith background. I run the services in College Chapel and help students connect with other faith-specific Chaplains and communities. I organise various social events for students including weekly tea and cakes (‘drop in’ on Thursdays during term time from 3pm to 4.30pm - my room is Besse 5), walks and ‘coffee and cocoa’ trips out to local cafes and restaurants. On Sunday afternoons of even weeks (ie weeks 2 4 6 -and 8 - apart from in Michaelmas term), there is a discussion group for those investigating faith and thinking through some of the deeper issues of life from 4pm to 5.15pm. All are welcome and tea and homemade cake are supplied!

Contact me by email, contact me through Microsoft Teams, or call me at +44 (0)1865 278 905. You can drop by my office in Besse 5 most Thursday afternoons between 3pm and 4.30pm and may well catch me at other times on Thursdays, Fridays or Sundays.'

Bio and Contact Information

Services and support

Learn more about the services and support available from the Chaplain's office.

Chapel Stained Glass

A five-paneled stained glass window

The exquisite east window of our Chapel was designed by the noted post-war stained-glass artist John Hayward (1929-2007) in 1964. The window contains several small details commemorating Dr Christopher Chavasse, including Olympic rings, his Military Cross and his artificial leg.

The south wall in the west end of the nave features a window by Ervin Bossányi (1891-1975). Installed in 1997 as a memorial to Bossányi and his wife, this 1943 window is installed at eye-level and depicts the theme 'In his hands a seed will grow'. View more pictures of the stained glass in the gallery below.

Where to next?