Our menus and mealtimes are posted weekly on the College intranet for College members.
The Dining Hall, available to all students, provides breakfast, lunch and informal dinners, with brunch at the weekends. In addition, St Peter's hosts lively formal dinners on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, with special menus for themed dinners such as Thanksgiving and Burns Night.
College Catering can make provision for many different dietary requirements and students are encouraged to liaise with the Catering team about any specific dietary requirements. Vegan and gluten-free options are routinely provided.
View sample menus at the links below. Current members of College, click here to sign in and view menus and mealtimes.
Student Dining Hall Information
Learn more about our meal times, prepayment costs and access frequently asked questions below.
Meal times during term
Student meals begin at dinner on Sunday of Week 0 and end after breakfast on Saturday of Week 8 each term. They are usually served in the Dining Hall at the times indicated below. Please note that occasional changes to mealtimes are required to accommodate special events in College. Adjusted and up-to-date mealtimes will be posted internally on the College Intranet.
Breakfast - Monday to Friday 8am - 9am
Lunch - Monday to Friday 12noon - 1.30pm
Informal Dinner - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6pm - 7.30pm; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 5.30pm - 6.30pm, Sunday 6pm - 7.30pm
Brunch - Saturday and Sunday 11am - 12.30pm
College Catering can make provision for many different dietary requirements and students are encouraged to liaise with the Catering team about any specific dietary requirements. Vegan and gluten-free options are routinely provided. We do not knowingly use nuts in our offer. All meals are supplied with full allergen information, including 'may contain' listings.
Upay is our system for meal payments. Top-up or check your balance at the link below.
A variably priced menu is available for all meals except Formal Hall. Approximate meal costs for 2024-25:
Breakfast: £4.20
Lunch: £5.25
Supper (informal dinner): £5.56
Formal Hall (Tuesday and Thursday evenings, optional): £12.55
New undergraduate and Visiting Students will be provided with all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for the first four days of Freshers’ Week (from dinner on Sunday 6 October until breakfast on Wednesday 9 October inclusive) for a single payment of £34, which will be charged on Michaelmas term battels. They will therefore not need to use the Upay payment system until lunch on Wednesday 9 October.
The College operates a Hall pre-pay programme which is administered through Upay. The charges for the academic year 2024-25 are as follows:
- College main site residents (Freshers) - £331 per term
- College main site residents (other students) - £207 per term
- College annexe residents - £124
- All undergraduate students living out of College - £41
The effect of the pre-payment scheme is that, whilst dining is pay-as-you-go, participating students will spend a minimum amount in Hall each term. The Dean for Welfare will consider requests for full or partial dispensation from the pre-pay for medical or disability-related reasons and liaise with the Domestic Bursar as required. The Domestic Bursar will consider dispensation requests made on religious or other grounds. Contact the Domestic Bursar to request an exemption.
How does it work?
Each time you come to Hall, the cost of the meal you eat will be deducted from your pre-pay credit.
When you have used up your pre-pay credit for the term, you can continue to eat in Hall by topping up the balance on your Upay account. Pay-as-you-go meals will be charged at exactly the same rate as meals on the pre-payment plan.
What do undergraduate freshers pay?
For 2024-25, undergraduate Freshers are paying £331 each term. There will be an additional charge of £34 through battels for Freshers' Week meals in Michaelmas term 2024.
What do undergraduates living out pay?
For 2024-25, undergraduates living out will pay £41 per term for their pre-pay plan.
What do third-years, fourth-years and graduate students pay?
For 2024-25, those non-Freshers living on the main College site are subject to a pre-pay charge of £207 per term; while those living in College annexes are subject to a pre-pay charge of £124 per term. Undergraduate students living out of College have a pre-pay charge of £41 per term. Graduate students are only subject to the pre-pay charge if they live in College accommodation.
What happens at the end of term?
To encourage all to use the Hall during term, all remaining balances on the token in the Upay app will expire at the start of 0 week of the following term. Your battels will be debited, and a new token issued, in time for the new term.
When and how can I top up my Upay credit?
Once your Upay account is activated, you attach a payment (credit/debit) card to it that is used to add credit. You can top up Upay as frequently as you wish via a web browser or the mobile Upay app. Click here to access Upay.
Will credit over and above the token ever be extinguished?
Never. Unused credit will always be returned to you. Only unused value on the pre-pay token will be extinguished.
How will the pre-pay affect graduate students?
All graduate students (e.g., PGR, PGT and GEM) not living in SPC accommodation are exempt.
Can I use my pre-pay sums to pay for Formal Hall?
Yes. The token can be used on any event set up on Upay that requires payment, including formal halls and/or special dinners.
Can I use my pre-pay sums to pay for a guest to come in for lunch or dinner with me?
Yes. The token can be used for guests and/or for yourself at any College meal at which guests are allowed.
Can I use my pre-pay sums to pay for breakfast?
How will I know the balance left on my pre-pay token?
The token balance can be seen on the Upay app and on your Upay account and is shown separately from any top-up balance.
If I top up on my card will the token balance be used before the cash top up?
The token will always be used first before any cash or voucher balances.
If I have insufficient left on token to pay for the entire meal can I use a combination of token and cash top up?
What happens if I have to leave Oxford part way through the term? Am I still charged the full pre-pay sum for that term?
Adjustments will be made for those who leave or are absent from College for long periods, as a result of, for example, medical, disciplinary, or wellbeing and welfare reasons.