Undergraduate Courses


The Biology degree course at Oxford is run by the Biology Department. It covers all aspects of biology ranging from molecular and cell biology to disease, ecology, and behaviour.

The Biology degree here at Oxford is an integrated four years Master's course. This MBiol course covers all aspects of biology ranging from molecular and cell biology through to disease, ecology, and behaviour.

In the first year, students follow a general curriculum focusing on organisms (plant, animal, microbial biology), cells and genes (molecular biology) and ecology and evolution. In the second and third year students follow more specialized options. In the fourth year, students join a research group and complete a Master's-level research project.

At the department level, the curriculum is taught through lectures and practicals. Modules within the MBiol degree have a compulsory practical component and high emphasis is placed on developing practical skills and understanding the role of research in Biology. At St Peter's, tutorial teaching is organised to complement departmental teaching. In year 1, these tutorials start broad before focusing on specific topics. In years 2 and 3, tutorials map onto the more specialised options.

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The course at St Peter's

Biology is a core subject at St Peter's. We offer (on average) 4 places each year. Historically, Malcolm Coe was the tutor for biology for almost 30 years. We have a distinguished set of biology alumni and honorary fellows, including Kurt Jackson (renowned landscape artist), Graham Bell (Professor of Evolutionary Biology at McGill University in Montreal), and Sir Charles Godfray (Director of the Martin School, here in Oxford).

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