Our People
Jasmine Jones
I am Stipendiary Lecturer in English (650–1550) at St Peter’s College, Oxford, and College Lecturer in English at Pembroke College, Oxford. I am completing my DPhil at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, where I have been the Clarendon Scholar and the Bruce Mitchell Scholar of Old and Middle English. I study the earliest literature that survives in the English language: Old English religious verse composed by monastic poets around 700–850 AD. My research focuses on the theology developed by this poetry, discovering the possible influence of diverse spiritual traditions on the early English Church. I explore how vernacular religious poetry was a dynamic medium for communicating complex and original theology in this early period.
I have recently published in an essay collection on the Christian Literary Imagination by Vernon Press, and I have published an article on early medieval English Mariology in The Review of English Studies. I have also published an article in the Spanish journal SELIM on Old English literature during the reign of King Alfred the Great.
I am passionate about public outreach and I have spoken about my work live on Radio Maria England and for online lectures as part of the Future of the Humanities Project based at Georgetown University. I have also contributed posts on late-medieval devotional culture to the online blog Introducing Medieval Christianity.
At St Peter’s, I teach Section A of Prelims Paper 1 (‘Approaches to Language’), Prelims Paper 2 (Literature in English 650–1350), and FHS Paper 2 (Literature in English 1350–1550).
‘The Action of God and the Answer of Man: The Poetic Origins of English Spirituality’, in The Christian Literary Imagination, ed. by Michael Scott and Michael J. Collins (Delaware: Vernon Press, 2024), pp. 29–38, https://vernonpress.com/book/1986.
‘The Vernacular Theology of the Old English Advent Lyrics: Monastic Devotion to Mary’, RES (2023), 1–16, https://academic.oup.com/res/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/res/hgad098/7457580
‘The Might and Mind of the Measurer: Creation and the Environment in Early English Literature’, for ‘A Bent but Beautiful World: Literature, Art, and the Environment’, by The Future of the Humanities Project, Office of the Vice President for Global Engagement, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (May 2023) https://global.georgetown.edu/events/the-might-and-mind-of-the-measurer
‘The Lady and the Letter: Two Ecclesiastical Analogies in the Old English Soliloquies’, SELIM (Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature), 26, (2021), 1–23 https://doi.org/10.17811/selim.26.2021.1-23
‘Three Christological Devotions, Part 1: Wounds’, Introducing Medieval Christianity (July 2020), https://introducingmedievalchristianity.wordpress.com/2020/07/01/three-christological-devotions-part-1-wounds/