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Prof Dariusz Wójcik conferred as Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
7 October 2021

St Peter's is delighted to announce that Dariusz Wójcik, Edgar Jones Fellow and Tutor in Geography at St Peter's, and Professor of Economic Geography, has been conferred as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
Prof Wójcik, whose research focuses on economic geography, corporate governance, and finance, is one of eight leading Oxford academics to have been conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. New Fellows are recognised, after an independent peer review process, for the excellence and impact of their work and their wider contributions to the social sciences for public benefit.
Founded in 1982, the Academy’s Fellowship is made up of distinguished individuals from academic, public, private and third sectors, across the full breadth of the social sciences. Through leadership, scholarship, applied research, policymaking, and practice, they have helped to deepen the understanding of, and address, some of the toughest challenges facing our society and the world.
Prof Wójcik has published six books and over one hundred articles and book chapters in leading journals and edited volumes, in geography, financial economics, political economy, and sustainability. He has been awarded 15 grants with a total value of over £3.6 million, funded by organisations in the UK, EU, China and Australia.
More information about the conferral can be found on the Academy's website.