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German Romanticism and Latin America: new co-edited volume from Dr Joanna Neilly
2 May 2024
Dr Joanna Neilly has co-edited a new book that brings an innovative critical lens to the links between Romantic-era Germany and Latin American literature and culture. Co-edited with Jenny Haase of the University of Halle-Wittenberg, German Romanticism and Latin America: New Connections in World Literature contains 11 chapters that examine both the initial German Romantic reception of Latin American Culture and the various ways in which contemporary Latin American fiction resists, responds to, and reinvents the German Romantic tradition.
The book opens up a fruitful new arena for interdisciplinary and intercultural discourse by inviting fresh scholarship and engagement with an underexamined aspect of Latin American literature and uncovering the entangled and enduring postcolonial relationship between German Romanticism, Latin American culture, and the literary market. The authors examine what they call ‘a sub-field of world literature that transcends linguistic, temporal and spatial borders’*, shedding light on the ways in which a critical reworking of the formal features of German Romanticism within Latin American culture are at once an act of resistance and subversion.
About Dr Neilly
Dr Neilly teaches and researches German literature and culture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Her first book focuses on E.T.A. Hoffmann, in particular, Hoffmann’s depictions of ‘the Orient’ and his engagement with, and criticism of, popular orientalist stereotypes of his time. Beyond her work on Hoffman, she has published widely on German Romanticism and is currently working on a project about Romanticism’s contemporary relevance. Dr Neilly also enjoys public engagement work and is a recurring contributor to Aaron Cohen’s award-winning podcast series on the composer Gustav Mahler, Embrace Everything, where she applies her expertise in the influence and reception of German Romanticism and German literature to paint the literary background for the world of Mahler and his music.
German Romanticism and Latin America: New Connections in World Literature was published in January 2024 as part of the Modern Humanities Research Association’s (MHRA) Legenda imprint in its ‘Transcript’ series. You can learn more about the book in this interview with the editors.
*Quoted from the publisher’s book description: