St Peter’s Fellow and Tutor Professor Ricardo Soares de Oliveira is part of a global kleptocurrency research project involving multiple academics in the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) that has been shortlisted for the UK government’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) ‘Celebrating Impact Prize’. The project, ‘Tackling the UK’s Kleptocracy problem’, is led by Professor John Heathershaw at the University of Exeter and involves two other academics in Oxford’s DPIR, Tom Mayne and Dr Tena Prelec. In total, four projects involving Oxford academics have been shortlisted for the prestigious award, which recognises the ‘outstanding economic or societal impact’ of the research.
Prof Soares de Oliveira is Manika and Haarjeev Kandhari Fellow and Tutor in Politics at St Peter’s College and Professor of the International Politics of Africa at the University of Oxford. He is co-editor of African Affairs, the journal of the Royal African Society, and co-director of the Oxford Martin School’s Programme on African Governance. He is the author of Magnificent and Beggar Land: Angola Since the Civil War (2015) and Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea (2007) and co-editor of China Returns to Africa (2008) and The New Protectorates: International Tutelage and the Making of Liberal States (2011). He is currently writing a book titled Africa and the Offshore World.
This April, Prof Soares de Oliveira was awarded a British Academy Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship, one of the top honours for social sciences and humanities researchers in the United Kingdom.
Learn more about the ‘Tackling the UK’s Kleptocracy problem’ project and the award nomination here.