Undergraduate Courses


This course requires students to develop skills of mathematical rigour, logic and abstraction, and to gain an understanding of the foundations as well as building techniques for solving concrete problems.

They can study applications of mathematics ranging from physics and engineering through biology to communication theory, statistics, finance and actuarial science. A Mathematical degree is recognised by employers as excellent training in rigorous analytical thinking.

At Oxford, students can take Mathematics alone or combined with Philosophy or Statistics, either over three years, leading to a BA, or as a four year course (including a project or dissertation), which results in an MMath degree.

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The course at St Peter's

About eight students are admitted each year to study Mathematics, either alone or jointly with Philosophy or Statistics. Lectures within the Mathematical Institute are supported by tutorials in College, which cover problems set in lectures and answer individual students' queries.

When work becomes more specialised later in the course, the lectures are supported by intercollegiate classes from experts in the field, who may be from other colleges.

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